Proven experience from concept to design build Installations.
What can we do for you?
Building Warrant of Fitness
Fire Compliance Services ltd undertake testing ,inspection, reporting and maintenance of wide range of specialised systems providing documentation to support the BWOF with our “in house” Qualified IQP’s.
Fixed Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire Compliance Services ltd have over 20 Years experience Installing, servicing and maintaining a variety of Fixed Fire protection systems across a wide range of Commercial and Industrial Sites. In accordance with NZ building code & supporting the BWOF.
Automatic Fire Alarm Systems
Fire compliance Services ltd have over 30 Years’ experience in Design, Supply, Installation and Maintenance across a variety of Fire alarm systems, including automatic fire alarm systems, emergency warning intercom systems (EWIS), aspirating smoke detection systems to site specific detection systems.
Fire Extinguishers & Equipment
Through our partner company New Zealand Fire Extinguishers, we are able to provide you with all the basic fire protection equipment you need at an affordable price. We have equipment suitable for residential protection and commercial protection.
Passive Fire Protection
Fire Compliance Services ltd have over 30 Years industry experience in inspecting, reporting and reinstating Fire and smoke separations across a range of various applications and trades
Special Hazard Applications
Fire Compliance Services Ltd have designed, installed and maintained a range of detection and suppression systems throughout Dangerous Goods stores, Server Rooms, Computer suites, Data Centres, Sea vessels, silos, confined spaces and manufacturing plants, using a wide variety of suppression agents.